Cobranding for Compliance Site and Certificates

Current config only allows EITHER/OR branding; Skillsoft or company.  Yes, we want it clear the training is provided through our company, but the identity and cachet of "Skillsoft" is part of what we pay for.  Co-branding provides more value and respect than our company's name alone, since we don't specialize in learning assets.  Don't make us choose!  THANKS!
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  • Kiersten Yocum
    Kiersten Yocum
    100 Comments 5 Likes
    edited December 2021
  • Unknown
    edited December 2021

    @Jan Rasmussen thank you for this suggestion.  We do want to make some changes in our certificates, so I will put this in the mix for consideration.

    May I asked how you are delivering our compliance content today?  Are you using Percipio Compliance?  If so, you could brand your site with your logo and leave the Skillsoft logo in the course player.  When a user plays a course, they will then see both as the player sits inside the Percipio Compliance UI.

  • Unknown
    edited December 2021
    @Carla Sparks Tingle
    Thanks for your response!  Yes, we utilize Compliance via Percipio.  I understood (perhaps erroneously) that we only had one choice; i.e. our brand on both compliance site and certificate or Skillsoft brand on site and certificate.
    It is really the certificate that is more concerning.  Either the Skillsoft or company brand alone is insufficient IMHO.  If the concept was for employees to be able to save and/or print a certificate for their records or for use with another employer, having ONLY the company name on the cert is misleading and not very meaningful, since as I mentioned WE (like most of your customers) are not in the business of training content.  Also, from a marketing standpoint, if employees print those co-branded cert's and share them, it increases Skillsoft's name recognition.  For those reasons, I strongly believe that the option to have both Skillsoft AND the company name on the certificate is the ideal solution.  Love to hear more!
  • Unknown
    edited December 2021
    @Jan Rasmussen, thank you for the clarification, and I agree, it makes sense to offer.  We have a few other requests for customization options for the completions certificates we are reviewing right now (e.g. ability to hide the signature lines), so will add this into the mix for review.