Ability to run report by training title
Gina Spindler

Allow users to run any training report (most crucially Learner Activity) by asset title. Currently the only filter values are date, audience, asset type, language, source, user-related, or assignment-related.
Our organization is also very interested in this enhancement. It would make our reporting much more efficient.0
I agree as this has been a continued request that we have been asking for. One suggestion is to create a new report that has an Asset Name filter and even include this Asset Name filter on all reports where it's applicable. I also think that as an Admin, you should be able to run a quick report right from the Custom Content screen. When you click the three dot menu, there should be an option to "See Activity". This would take you to the report screen where you can customize the date, asset type, and even learner (if necessary). I am constantly asked by those in my organization for a quick status on a particular asset and unless you remember the exact channel it's in, you are stuck running the Learner Activity Report, which only allows you to drill into one learner, and then you have to filter through all the unnecessary information. This is also an issue with the Channel Detail by User Report as you still have to filter it by Asset after you run the report.
@Sue Orchanian & @Patrice Koonce