Add more filters to reporting / schedule a report

edited September 2024 in Percipio Ideation
Please add more filters to the reporting console such as user status, course title, and any other user attribute. The reporting extracts are usually congested since there are very limited options and often need further data manipulation on a spreadsheet. 

Once filters are available, we could also schedule reports to our stakeholders--so much easier than an admin running all reports requests.
2 votes

Added to Roadmap · Last Updated


  • Eileen Plaehn
    Eileen Plaehn
    edited August 2021
    Thank you for suggesting an idea, Michael! Tagging @Heidi Hale to take a look at this idea. You can expect a response in the next few weeks.
  • Unknown
    edited August 2021
    This feedback has been heard loud and clear by the Percipio product team. We have developed a solution for column selection and column-level filtering in Percipio. We are in the process of converting the existing reports over to this new solution one at a time, starting with User Reports in 2021 and the popular Learning Activity Report in early 2022. It will include the ability to save the report template so that once you have selected the columns that you want and applied the filters, you can save the template, name it and use it again in the future. (Sharing and scheduling are also being planned for next year.)
  • There is need to schedule granular progress report for specific learning journeys and assignments to the respective learning managers according to different intervals.