Ability to re-use tracks you have created.

edited September 2024 in Percipio Ideation
Rather then re making the same tracks for different journeys it would be useful to be able to create them once then reuse them
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  • Michael Murphy
    Michael Murphy
    Third Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Likes Name Dropper
    edited September 2021
    Hi @Stephanie Slater thanks for your feedback! Is there a scenario where you'd use a track, with exactly the same content, in multiple journeys? Or is the desire to copy tracks to use as a starting point for another journey, with some modifications? As a work around for now, you can copy both Aspire and custom journeys. That would include all the tracks in the copied journey.
  • Unknown
    edited September 2021
    Hi Michael, my example was a mix of both actually, so we have been creating journeys for 19 of our teams in the department and a lot of the tracks were the same however the journeys were different and then in some cases maybe managers for example they still had the same track but with a few additional pieces. We have created them all manually for now but thought it might be worth mentioning for the future and if anyone else might have a similar task. Thanks!