Compliance assignment based on Welcome Email date

We have compliance training that needs to be completed within a certain amount of time after hire (2 weeks). We send out the welcome email on the same date that an employee is hired. However, we normally enter people into Percipio between 2 weeks and a few days before the actual hire date. This is bad because if we entered them into Percipio 2 weeks before their hire date, by the time they are hired, it is marked overdue. 

If we can have the compliance assignment be launched on the same date as the welcome email is sent (hire date for us) then we can still enter in employees in a timely manner without having to enter them individually on their hire date to make sure their training is completed in a timely manner.
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  • Unknown
    edited May 2022
    @Amie Cox Thank you for the input. Could you elaborate on the LAST hire date?  Possibly give me the steps you used creating the audience? I'd like to try this. I also have a Hire Date attribute, but it only allows me the Operators: Equals, Does Not Equal, Before, After, and Between.
  • Unknown
    edited May 2022

    @Amie Cox Thank you.  I understand now what you mean.  The problem for me is that I must enter them in the same day or day before they are hired, or they will be assigned compliance with a strict due date before they even show up for work.  There is no option for delaying the start date until their hire date besides adding an exemption until their hire date to the users after they show in Compliance, but it just seems like a lot more work than it should be. 

    I'm thinking if we could have a date attribute that allows us to choose current date or a current date plus 2 days, for example, and not a fixed date, then the audience would pull a list of people who were hired on that specific date and assign them in a timely manner, so they aren’t prematurely assigned material before they are even working for us. Does that make sense?

  • Unknown
    edited May 2022
    Yes, that is an option that my executives don't prefer, but it will get the job done, it will just make our compliance reports inaccurate toward the other way.  I was told that we could use the exemption feature to exempt them until their hire date, which works in a way, but it also shows up on our completed training reports, when it's just an exempt until the day they start working. It just seems like there could be a simpler way. Hopefully they see the value in making compliance launch on a specified date, either by an attribute or just as a stand alone option.