A share button for a track page within a journey

Use case: I'd like to highlight particular portions of a larger assignment and will link to the track pages. I don't know if using the web URL will work or not long-term, and there's no share button as elsewhere on the site.

Not the biggest priority, but passing it on!

2 votes

Under Consideration · Last Updated


  • Thank you for your suggestion! This aligns nicely to some work we are doing on learning program milestone tracking and assignments. We will update you once we have more details.

  • ASmith
    Name Dropper First Comment


    I would like the option to share tracks as well. e.g. Change Management track from the

    'Agile for All' Aspire Journey. https://share.percipio.com/cd/TinplBi9A

    Can you please provide an update on the 'under consideration' status and timing?