To sort content by star rating

After searching for content, only two sort options are available, either by Best-Match (default) or by Newest. Users will then have to eyeball the star rating, flip through the first couple of pages of search results, and make the best judgment if the content obtains the most stars. Use case: Social proofing is a powerful indication of content relevance and quality - and can be used effectively to motivate content consumption
Good news! This is in our plan to do very soon! (next 3 months or so) Thank you for the suggestion!
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Sort by Rating has been implemented and will be in production by 12/15/23. @Mark Hanley
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Actually, we have not implemented SORT by Rating. We have implemented a Ratings FILTER, which is now available in Production. We do have Sort by Ratings on our roadmap, which we are looking at for Q1, but has not been confirmed yet.