Request to expand Search for book content

Third Anniversary Name Dropper
edited September 2024 in Percipio Ideation

On be-half of my client: MITRE 



The researchers at MITRE make really good use of the books in Percipio.  But they need something better to help them find content.


One researcher, Paul Herceg, let me know that he needs to find specific content within a book, but that search capability is not available in Percipio.  Other researchers have also posed this question to me.


Some background: when searching on a term, a list of books are returned, but there’s no way to drill down further for a portion of a given book, such as a chapter or even a paragraph.


Would it be possible that you put in a request to expand the search capabilities so that the actual content within a book can be found? (Or is Skillsoft working on this feature?)


Let me know your thoughts on this.



Bo Kaufmann

The MITRE Corporation

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  • Mark Hanley
    Mark Hanley
    Third Anniversary 10 Comments Name Dropper Combo Breaker
    edited October 2023

    We do have plans to implement search within a book. This would be implemented on the book player/reader. Once you are in the book, you would be able to perform a search to find content within that book. 

    We don't have a commitment yet as to when it will be delivered, but it is in an upcoming release.