Content Request - DEI - Asia Pacific Centric
Dear team,
While the DEI content has been good and serves the needs of North America, our Singapore clients are asking if we could create more Asia Pacific (Singapore) centric DEI content.
These would be topics such as:
-racial harmony
-civic literacy
-global awareness, cross-cultural skills.. etc.
These are just but a few key words picked up from Singapore's "Ministry of Education" (MOE) syllabus on Social Studies, which inevitably include Diversity.
In fact, Social Studies is a subject in Secondary School here and they have a robust curriculum already developed. Textbooks are widely available and gives you a clue on the direction for diversity in Asian culture.
If Skillsoft can develop this further, and taking the cue from a very robust curriculum, and stretch this to beyond the early years education into work-family, society life education, it'll make a tremendous impact.
Main difference that we see between US- centric "diversity" vs. Asian-centric diversity.
USA/ North America -
"Race is not material; everyone is an equal; a human being."
"Wearing other culture's costumes is termed inappropriate, 'cultural-misappropriation.' "
Asian/ Singapore -
"Race is very material; therefore we celebrate and embrace each other's uniqueness."
"We celebrate each other's traits, holidays. etc."
"No qualms wearing other's costumes in celebration of each other's culture."
E.g., just search "racial harmony day Singapore" and you will understand.
There is no "right" or "wrong" diversity.
It's just the way it has worked for Singapore & Asia.
Fyi. a bit of history:
the integration of cultures and our understanding of inter-cultural differences (particularly in Singapore) were shaped by very bitter and painful experiences of race-riots in the 1950's and 1960's. The government took tremendous steps to help integrate and form a framework of mutual respect and understanding for each other. The product is the racial harmony we see today. (very precious and hard earned) . And the product is also a very comprehensive education to teach proper race relations from an early age. Also e.g., Public housing here where 80% of the population lives, have a quota for each racial group to prevent racial enclaves.
You can "Google" for more info.
Key Search terms:
-Singapore Social Studies Textbook
-Singapore Social Studies curriculum MOE
-Singapore Race Riots
-HDB Singapore ethnic quota
Above is just only on the "small topic" of race relations as part of diversity.
Of course, there are much more content, and sections of content, for diversity.
Again, look at the MOE developed syllabus, that has kept Singapore relatively stable, for more info.