User Profile Menu Enhancement for Mobile App

Hello, currently the profile menu on the Percipio mobile app does not include all features as from the desktop UI.
Features like Skill Benchmarks, Role Advisor, and Leaderboard are great but are not enough to engage learners from the desktop only. Learners need to be able to access those from the mobile side as well the Language selection.
Please consider mimicking the profile menu from the desktop to mobile and Language selection.
Thank you!
Thanks for posting your feedback on Learning Edge, @NGHI. Learners will find their organization's Leaderboard under the app's Profile menu in the bottom right of the Home screen. Just tap on the "Leaderboard" option to access. Learner's will find their current language preference tucked away under the app's Profile > Settings > Default Language menu. I'm tagging-in @Melvin Gabriel who can help to respond to the rest of y