Percipio - Add Audience Owners View - in User Management

Hi guys,

Currently, we can only see which Managers (etc.) are assigned to be Audience Owner when we click into the Audience.

It is very hard to tell:
-Which audiences is Manager "A" taking care of/ assigned to.
-Client has to click into each audience to check.

If any of this 2 methods are available, it will make it easy.

1. User Management - be able to see a list of audiences that Manager is "tagged" to. 
And by extention, will be ideal to select and add the audience directly from User Management once a Site Admin assigns a role (e.g. Manager) to a person,

2. Audience Management

-Be able to filter/ select the Audience owner name at the top, and it will narrow down the Audience list and only show which audiences this e.g. Manager, is "tagged" to.

But let me know if i'm making sense!

Many thanks in advance~

2 votes

Already Available · Last Updated


  • Unknown
    edited October 2023

    Good news! We recently added new audience owner column-level filter to the Audience management page. Go ahead and give it a try!