Audience attributes too easily deleted

There is a very undesirable issue we have discovered when using the "Add user attribute roles" feature when modifying an audience, which has caused considerable problems when keeping users assigned to an Audience without inadvertently being removed from them without warning.

When on Users > Audience management > Add user attributes > when typing into the 'Job Title' attribute in the Attribute 2 Values (OR) field as seen below, if you were to hit backspace past the "H" entered (so with no letters remaining in the field), it would begin deleting existing job titles already entered as an attribute value without any warning or indication.


I do not think this should be happening as it makes it extremely easy to go from amending a spelling mistake when searching for a job title to add to an audience, to existing job titles being inadvertently deleted, thus removing compliance assignments, and given we use a lot of job titles, it makes it very difficult to track what job titles are / are not assigned to each audience. We only discovered this issue when the user count for each audience kept dropping after modifying audiences.

I believe it would be much more user-friendly if the job titles could not be deleted by hitting Backspace in this field, or if not possible, there is at least a prompt to notify the user when about to delete an attribute such as "Are you sure you want to delete this attribute?" so it cannot be so easily deleted.

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