Create Custom Subject under existing Skills Area

Allow System admins to create a new Custom subject under the existing Skills Area. Example under the DEI Skills Area, we had a need to curate 5 Channels.
We wanted to include these 5 Channels under a Custom subject but within the same Skills Area of DEI. The system does not allow me to create a Custom Subject under an Existing Area. As a work around we had to create a Custom Area under the skills Areas section and created the custom Subject under this newly created Custom Area. This increases the number of Skills Areas in the library and splits the content on this topic. This is not desirable.
Hi @Sruthi Dodla thank you for your feedback! Customization of the library menu, including changing the order of items in the menu and how they appear is a request we are getting a lot. Providing this functionality is definitely something on our to do list, although I don't have a specific timeline for you right now.