Include courses "assigned" to groups in the Learner Activity Report
I currently must run a specific report "Assignment Detail by User Report" to see the status of assignments. I would like these courses to also appear in the Learner Activity Report. These are not custom courses. They are Skillsoft offered courses. This is necessary as I add all courses taken per user each year.
We have considered this and it would have quite an impact on the performance of the Learner Activity and Detailed Activity report loads, as the learners are added to assignments via their audience constantly. For that reason, we recommend looking at this "after the fact" by downloading the Detailed Activity Report and Detailed Assignment report for the same timeframe (note the Detailed Activity Report data is refreshed daily), and comparing the titles the learner has has taken. If the titles are in the Activity report and not in the Assignment report for this learner, it is safe to assume they were taking that content on their own as "Self-directed" learners.