Leadership Series speaker suggestions

I have had a suggestion from a student that the following individuals would be excellent additions to your Leadership Serious Live Talks:
· Susan Fowler -- Leading through Motivation https://share.percipio.com/cd/FZtbBgjCq
· Vicki Halsey -- Brilliance by Design: Creating Learning Experiences That Connect, Inspire, and Engage https://share.percipio.com/cd/xywe3jY9v
· John Baldoni -- Grace: Leading with Generosity, Respect, Action, Compassion, and Energy https://share.percipio.com/cd/YBs9a9WUi
· Judith Glaser -- Practice Conversational Intelligence in LAPS https://share.percipio.com/cd/BLDPa2FL-
· Richard Boyatzis -- Helping People Change: Coaching with Compassion for Lifelong Learning and Growth https://share.percipio.com/cd/2Zqu2lz2v
- Nate Regier -- he is the author of Conflict without Casualties, Seeing People Through and Compassionate Accountability.
Incidentally, I recently reached out to Nate in LinkedIn and he replied -- he is very approachable… I think if Gina contacts him, he will be open to talk about his upcoming book, or perhaps about his existing books available in Percipio.
Conflict without Casualties – you can do a free online assessment of the model explained in the book.
- Drama Calculator https://www.next-element.com/drama-calculator/
- Compassionate Accountability® https://nz296.infusionsoft.app/app/form/web-form-submitted38?cookieUUID=e8484509-496b-4af4-80d0-3df46f62dc42
I look forward to hearing back from you, with hopefully, a positive reply.
Thank you very much,
Vince Sutherland
FedEx Express - Human Resources