Going through a Journey
Toby Newman

When taking a Journey in Percipio, it is not a natural flow to go from one piece of content to the next. You either have to go back (which doesnt always take you back to the right screen) or you have to scroll to the top and click back on the family line.
To encourage more usability, it would make much more sense to make a 'Go to the Joureny Home' and/or 'go to the next content/track' button. And in Channels having a 'Go to the Channel Home' would make things a lot easier.
To encourage more usability, it would make much more sense to make a 'Go to the Joureny Home' and/or 'go to the next content/track' button. And in Channels having a 'Go to the Channel Home' would make things a lot easier.
@Toby Newman Thank you for your feedback. We are looking at options to improve the navigation when you are in a journey/track, so that you can navigate to the next or previous items without having to go back to the journey/track page. This is in planning now, but we don't have an ETA yet.
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Appreciate the insight @Donna Scontsas . Looking forward to seeing how this comes out as I feel this is a critial piece of keeping people in the learning and on the platform.
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@Toby Newman We just released an enhanced journey navigation bar that enables you to easily navigate from one asset in a track to the next and then back to the track page and journey page.