Completion Status Edits in Live Course Roster

We need the ability to edit a user's completion status after he/she has been marked incomplete. Should be able to change incomplete to complete. 

The system allows you to go through the steps as listed below but doesn't change the user's status. 
  1. Find class
  2. Select manage roster
  3. Select Actions in the top right above "User ID"
  4. Place a check mark beside the student
  5. Select the "Actions" drop down
  6. Select "Mark Complete and score"
  7. Select save
1 votes

Added to Roadmap · Last Updated


  • Sanjeeb Sahu
    Sanjeeb Sahu
    100 Comments Third Anniversary Name Dropper
    edited January 2023
    Hey @Grace Barrett If its not working please raise a support case and team will look into it. 
    There is another feature called completion override in the learning menu and you can grant completion to any course for a learner. 
  • Grace Barrett
    Grace Barrett
    edited January 2023
    @Sanjeeb Sahu - Thank you! Skillsoft Support is who directed me to place the suggestion on Learning Edge because they stated there was nothing that could be done. Should the above listed steps work to get a completion changed from incomplete to complete?

    I checked out the feature you mentioned and that may work. It looks like it does completions at the course level rather than the class level which isn't ideal but would be a good workaround for this situation.

  • Isabelle Dominique Ross
    edited January 2023
    This would be helpful. Currently the only way to mitigate for this is to grant a waiver/completion.
  • Unknown
    edited January 2023
    Hi @Grace Barrett - I agree, if a learner was marked Incomplete there should be a way to change it to Complete.  The workaround is using Overrides as has been described.  We will put this on the roadmap for future consideration.
