Option to print user data for canceled assignments

Currently, user's can't run assignments against cancelled assignments, but can access user completion data by accessing the report summary. Users cannot currently print this information, or export it as a csv/etc.

A client has requested that we add a download or export option for this, so they can download some type of historical data for canceled assignments
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  • Hema Vanapalli
    Hema Vanapalli
    Third Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Awesomes 5 Likes
    edited January 2023
    @Kevin Dick Thank you for the request. I need more information on which reports they are trying to pull and why they need historical data of canceled assignments.
    When you say they are accessing via report summary, is that user summary report? Also, reports in Percipio can be dowloaded as csv. We can go through this in a quick call if needed