Content Promotions - Content Strip Issues

Hi there,
I'd like to request the ability to save a content strip promotion in a 'draft' status. Currently you can start to create a strip, but you either need to fully create and release it, or cancel out and start all over again. Would be more efficient if there was a 'save as draft' option.
In addition - I was excited to try out the "email promotion" feature for content strips. However, upon setting my notification date, and creating the text for the email, I was very disappointed to find that no emails were immediately sent to my audiences I had selected. The emails finally pushed through/sent at noon local time - the following day! It would also be nice if you can customize the time these promo emails are sent, versus the default of 12 AM GMT or whatever this defaults too (can't remember the specific). And/or, if the emails were immediately sent.
In addition, upon creation of a banner promotion, there is a dialog box that pops up indicating "Success! you created a promotion. Percipio will notify learns by email". This is not applicable for Banner promotions!
Hello - thank you for these suggestions for saving as a 'draft' and for flagging the issue that it sent the next day. The 'draft' we have on our roadmap for this feature but sending the same day sounds like a potential bug so I'll track that down.
You are also correct about the banner announcement that appears - we'll fix that as well.
Thanks for bringing this to my attention!
- Meg Herbert0