Jessica JordanMunn

Percipio has so many great benefits for learners, and it can sometimes be a challenge for admins to bring everyone up to speed. There are so many different ways you can go about it, most commonly via live demo sessions or email communications. Personally, I like to recommend blending in some more creative ways to get learners engaged.
1) Scavenger Hunt
Try doing something a bit more hands-on to drive engagement. I've created a template that can be customized to suit your needs. Learners go through the activity and gain practical exposure to navigating key areas of the platform. Some learners don't retain information as easily from demos and need that extra touch for retention.
This activity is something you can do in a variety of ways. You can launch it in the form of a document using Word (using our template or creating your own). You can mimic the template in Google Forms or something similar to more easily track the data. Lastly, you could also create your own scavenger hunt as a custom course to deploy within the platform.
This activity is great for fresh launches or relaunches. Another added benefit is the ability to use it on a consistent basis in future onboarding. New hires coming in will have something fun and engaging to help them gain familiarity with the new platform and offerings available.
Here is an example:

2) Learning Challenge:
A learning challenge is a fun way to drive engagement with the platform. It is great for a new launch, and could easily be paired with the scavenger hunt exercise! It also works just as well as an adoption-building activity for ongoing program management.
There are many ways that this could take shape. Typically there would be some kind of prize up for grabs, which could include gift cards, electronics, PTO, etc. You know your learners best, so you would select something that would be incentivizing for them. Then you determine what your criteria will be to earn (ex: most completions, most badges earned) over a set timeframe.
The most successful that I have seen came in a two-phased approach. In this case there was a series of courses rolled out as part of a company initiative with two different prizes offered based on which criteria they met. Level 1 criteria offered a $100 gift card to the first 5 learners to complete all 10 courses. Level 2 criteria offered a company-branded backpack to anyone that completed at least 5 of the prescribed courses.
This approach works really well because once the high value prize(s) are claimed, there is still a great secondary option to incentivize everyone else to keep going!
3) Welcome to Percipio Channel
Creating a custom channel to introduce Percipio enables you to pull in a series of videos and documents to help learners get acclimated quickly. You can use this to host quick introductory videos directly from the Skillsoft YouTube channel, learner quick start guides from the Knowledge Base, and any other supplemental material you may want to include.
Similar to the scavenger hunt, this is a great option for launch as well as ongoing new hire onboarding. You have the option to promote the channel as an admin promoted banner on the homepage as well, making it super easy for learners to find it if needed!

Learners are used to getting emails and demos. Why not take them by surprise and do something a little different! Try some of these out, bring a bit of fun and excitement to your program, and enhance your learning culture as you work to drive engagement in the platform.
1) Scavenger Hunt
Try doing something a bit more hands-on to drive engagement. I've created a template that can be customized to suit your needs. Learners go through the activity and gain practical exposure to navigating key areas of the platform. Some learners don't retain information as easily from demos and need that extra touch for retention.
This activity is something you can do in a variety of ways. You can launch it in the form of a document using Word (using our template or creating your own). You can mimic the template in Google Forms or something similar to more easily track the data. Lastly, you could also create your own scavenger hunt as a custom course to deploy within the platform.
This activity is great for fresh launches or relaunches. Another added benefit is the ability to use it on a consistent basis in future onboarding. New hires coming in will have something fun and engaging to help them gain familiarity with the new platform and offerings available.
Here is an example:

2) Learning Challenge:
A learning challenge is a fun way to drive engagement with the platform. It is great for a new launch, and could easily be paired with the scavenger hunt exercise! It also works just as well as an adoption-building activity for ongoing program management.
There are many ways that this could take shape. Typically there would be some kind of prize up for grabs, which could include gift cards, electronics, PTO, etc. You know your learners best, so you would select something that would be incentivizing for them. Then you determine what your criteria will be to earn (ex: most completions, most badges earned) over a set timeframe.
The most successful that I have seen came in a two-phased approach. In this case there was a series of courses rolled out as part of a company initiative with two different prizes offered based on which criteria they met. Level 1 criteria offered a $100 gift card to the first 5 learners to complete all 10 courses. Level 2 criteria offered a company-branded backpack to anyone that completed at least 5 of the prescribed courses.
This approach works really well because once the high value prize(s) are claimed, there is still a great secondary option to incentivize everyone else to keep going!
3) Welcome to Percipio Channel
Creating a custom channel to introduce Percipio enables you to pull in a series of videos and documents to help learners get acclimated quickly. You can use this to host quick introductory videos directly from the Skillsoft YouTube channel, learner quick start guides from the Knowledge Base, and any other supplemental material you may want to include.
Similar to the scavenger hunt, this is a great option for launch as well as ongoing new hire onboarding. You have the option to promote the channel as an admin promoted banner on the homepage as well, making it super easy for learners to find it if needed!

Learners are used to getting emails and demos. Why not take them by surprise and do something a little different! Try some of these out, bring a bit of fun and excitement to your program, and enhance your learning culture as you work to drive engagement in the platform.
There are some very creative ideas posted which I know clients will love. Thanks for the post.0