Percipio Reporting Tool Enhancements Go Live
We are thrilled to announce the official release (on June 20th) of the new and improved Skillsoft Percipio Reporting tools, designed to give you the flexibility to create and save your reports, efficiently schedule and share them with others in your organization, and gain new valuable insights into learning. Thank you to all who participated in the Beta program and provided feedback on the new reporting features. Your feedback means the world to us.
Find the summary of what’s new below.
All Reports Page

This is your “one-stop shop” for accessing reports, downloads, and schedules. To help you keep your reports organized, we separated the Users section into Activity and Users.
Skillsoft Templates

What’s the difference between Standard Reports and Skillsoft Templates? Both types of reports can be scheduled and shared, but there are some differences.
Standard Reports cannot be saved as a new template. You set the filters each time you run it. They are continuously refreshed so the data is always updated, but they have a limited period for reporting. These reports are ideal for monitoring user's content or assignment completions because the reports are closer to “real time”.
Skillsoft Templates come with a full-width, flexible grid where you can choose columns, apply column filters, and group on specific columns. Skillsoft Templates can be customized and saved. When you name and save them, you will see the icon change to indicate this is now a Custom Template. They are ideal for your ongoing data analytics needs because you can look back over “all time” if needed. These types of reports live in our Skillsoft Percipio Data Warehouse, which receives data from Percipio multiple times per day. When you run the report, you can see a message at the top telling you when the data was last refreshed. These reports may take longer to load than standard reports, but we are working hard to get your data to you as quickly as possible.

New Skillsoft Templates released
· Detailed Activity
· Leaderboards
· User Listing
· User Summary
Detailed Activity

The Detailed Activity report is the report template modeled after the popular Learner Activity report, and now has some great new filtering options:
· Content Title Filter lets you look at content activity by Title. Choose up to 10 content items to include in your report. If you need to filter on more than 10, download the report and use your standard desktop tools to filter out the unnecessary content activity.
· Collection Filter lets you look at content activity by Collection. The collections listed represent the Skillsoft license pools that you purchased and are currently installed on your Percipio site.
· Content Grouping Filter lets you choose to view activity for a specific area > subject > channel/journey. As content can (and often does) live in more than one part of the library hierarchy, the activity can display in multiple rows. You may wish to choose only one part of the library at a time, or you may wish to select all groupings that are focused on technical topics.
· Include Inactive Users checkbox lets you decide if you want to include users that are no longer in an active status.
Get creative! Now that you have the Content Grouping Filter, perhaps you want to run a report to see what activity has taken place for the AWS certification area of your site. This will tell you which learners are working on this certification prep during the selected timeframe. It is up to you. Create your template, save it, and schedule it to run each month so you can watch the trends.

This report template complements the Leaderboard feature by showing the admin the completions and badges earned during the selected period. If comparing the leaderboard report with a learner’s leaderboard view, select the same time period, and remember that the Leaderboards report may be up to a day behind because it is stored in the Percipio Data Warehouse.
You can view the leaderboard report without enabling leaderboards for your learners.

User Listing
This beta report template has now officially released and replaces the standard report. The User Listing is ideal for seeing a list of all your users and their important demographic information.
User Summary
This beta report template has now officially released and replaces the standard report. The User Summary is ideal for seeing a summary of the learning metrics for your users and filtering the list by demographic data if needed. You could use this report to determine the winner of a learning contest. Or, if you run a promotion offering a prize to the person completing the most courses in July, this report gives you that information.
Analytics Menu
On the Analytics menu, you now see the Detailed Activity report instead of the Learner Activity Report to encourage adoption of this new and improved report template. Don’t worry; you can still access your favorite Learner Activity report from the All Reports page. In addition, we updated the User Summary report to open the new report template.
Please enjoy these reporting improvements! Next, we will be working on dashboard enhancements and adding more Skillsoft templates. If you have any suggestions, please leave these on Learning Edge and we will see them. If you have any challenges, please contact Skillsoft Support. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us with questions.
Your Skillsoft Percipio Analytics Product Team