Califronia law - Workplace Prevention Plans by July 1 2024

Has anyone found any training on this? Is it being created to be made available to us through SkillSoft? Is anyone working on a plan you are are willing to share to be compliant by July 1, 2024 to train employees on workplace violence prevention plans?
------------------------------Thank you -
Hi, Sharon!
Our compliance content team is looking into developing a solution to meet the new Cal OSHA requirements around workplace violence.
As the law is written, the training will need to be highly customized to the organization. Therefore, we are exploring a framework of content that together with customization, could form a solution to meet the requirements of this law.
We can anticipate updates in the coming months, however, please feel free to connect with your account team if you have any additional questions or are looking for more information.
Thank you!
Original Message:
Sent: 11-14-2023 14:22
From: Sharon McKim-Velez
Subject: Califronia law - Workplace Prevention Plans by July 1 2024Has anyone found any training on this? Is it being created to be made available to us through SkillSoft? Is anyone working on a plan you are are willing to share to be compliant by July 1, 2024 to train employees on workplace violence prevention plans?
Thank you -
------------------------------0 -
Hi, Sharon!
Our compliance content team is looking into developing a solution to meet the new Cal OSHA requirements around workplace violence.
As the law is written, the training will need to be highly customized to the organization. Therefore, we are exploring a framework of content that together with customization, could form a solution to meet the requirements of this law.
We can anticipate updates in the coming months, however, please feel free to connect with your account team if you have any additional questions or are looking for more information.
Thank you!
Original Message:
Sent: 11-14-2023 14:22
From: Sharon McKim-Velez
Subject: Califronia law - Workplace Prevention Plans by July 1 2024Has anyone found any training on this? Is it being created to be made available to us through SkillSoft? Is anyone working on a plan you are are willing to share to be compliant by July 1, 2024 to train employees on workplace violence prevention plans?
Thank you -
------------------------------Thank you Ali!
Original Message:
Sent: 11-14-2023 15:34
From: Ali Benjamin
Subject: Califronia law - Workplace Prevention Plans by July 1 2024Hi, Sharon!
Our compliance content team is looking into developing a solution to meet the new Cal OSHA requirements around workplace violence.
As the law is written, the training will need to be highly customized to the organization. Therefore, we are exploring a framework of content that together with customization, could form a solution to meet the requirements of this law.
We can anticipate updates in the coming months, however, please feel free to connect with your account team if you have any additional questions or are looking for more information.
Thank you!
Original Message:
Sent: 11-14-2023 14:22
From: Sharon McKim-Velez
Subject: Califronia law - Workplace Prevention Plans by July 1 2024Has anyone found any training on this? Is it being created to be made available to us through SkillSoft? Is anyone working on a plan you are are willing to share to be compliant by July 1, 2024 to train employees on workplace violence prevention plans?
Thank you -