Creating Sequential Journeys

We would like to recommend sequential journeys as an enhancement. We have many functions taking advantage of creating journeys for their employees, but they would like to be able to lock the individual tracks so they can hold debriefs on certain topics before moving to the next. I believe assignments do something similar, but we would like journeys to have this option as we are trying to have colleagues take ownership of their personal development versus assigning everything. 


  • Geela Amoroso
    Geela Amoroso
    Name Dropper First Comment First Anniversary
    edited April 2023

    Seconding this. We're creating a custom journey and it was asked if it was possible to make the previous track a prerequisite to the next one.

    Original Message:
    Sent: 04-04-2023 09:32
    From: Meghan Macioce
    Subject: Creating Sequential Journeys

    We would like to recommend sequential journeys as an enhancement. We have many functions taking advantage of creating journeys for their employees, but they would like to be able to lock the individual tracks so they can hold debriefs on certain topics before moving to the next. I believe assignments do something similar, but we would like journeys to have this option as we are trying to have colleagues take ownership of their personal development versus assigning everything.