Chicago Sexual Harassment Training Requirement

On April 27, 2022, the Chicago City Council passed an amendment to the city’s sexual harassment laws to make sexual harassment training mandatory. The Chicago law becomes effective on July 1, 2022. Among other requirements, the new law mandates the following:
- A minimum of one hour of sexual harassment prevention training for all employees.
- A minimum of two hours of sexual harassment prevention training for anyone who supervises or manages employees.
- One hour of bystander training for all employees.
- The amendment includes expanding the definition of sexual harassment, increasing training requirements for employees and managers, a new requirement for employers to establish a written policy on sexual harassment, and stricter penalties for violations.
(City of Chicago:: Sexual Harassment Training Materials) provided by the City of Chicago.
Update: The Chicago Harassment Prevention Training Interim Solution (consisting of the following three full-length courses) is now released and auto-fulfilled to all customers with a valid license to this solution.
lch_01_a83_lc_enus Bystander Intervention: Chicago (1 hr)
lch_01_a82_lc_enus Harassment Prevention for Chicago Managers, (2 hr)
lch_01_a81_lc_enus Harassment Prevention for Chicago Employees, (1 hr)
The solution meets the Chicago and IL state training requirements. Spanish translations are scheduled to be available in 2-3 weeks.
As part of our New 2022 Harassment Prevention Solution, we are developing new courses to address the requirements for Illinois and Chicago. This will be an entirely new solution with new scenarios and a new visual design for the instructional material. We are targeting the end of 2022 to release the English version of these courses.
- Harassment Prevention for Illinois and Chicago Employees – Office
- Harassment Prevention for Illinois and Chicago Managers – Office
- Bystander Intervention for Chicago Employees
Please reach out to your Skillsoft Account Team should you have any questions.