What tools do you use to make virtual calls engaging?

edited August 2024 in Talent Insights
How do you make your virtual webinars engaging?   Have you considered using a fun short quiz at the end of the meeting to do a knowledge check? 

I had the pleasure of working with one of my clients who used a neat tool called Kahoot to deliver the knowledge check.  We added a  few questions that related to the topic of the webinar -  "How to make the most of your Percipio site".    I've attached the questions and answer key should you like to review. 

Would love to hear what tools you have used to make these virtual meetings fun and meaningful. 

Kahoot! | Learning games | Make learning awesome!


  • Snehal Pawar
    Snehal Pawar
    edited November 2021
    Like this. Thanks for sharing this idea. Simple yet engaging. -------------------------------------------
    Original Message:
    Sent: 10-29-2021 12:02
    From: Sarah Gyetvay-Hyatt
    Subject: What tools do you use to make virtual calls engaging?

    How do you make your virtual webinars engaging?   Have you considered using a fun short quiz at the end of the meeting to do a knowledge check? 

    I had the pleasure of working with one of my clients who used a neat tool called Kahoot to deliver the knowledge check.  We added a  few questions that related to the topic of the webinar -  "How to make the most of your Percipio site".    I've attached the questions and answer key should you like to review. 

    Would love to hear what tools you have used to make these virtual meetings fun and meaningful. 

    Kahoot! | Learning games | Make learning awesome!