New SPHR® Curriculum - Title List and Percipio Banners!
Nancy Santacesaria

Skillsoft is pleased to announce a new 25-course SPHR® curriculum intended to educate learners about the skills required to become a Senior Professional in Human Resources®, as they prepare for the HRCI® SPHR® certification exam.
- Many courses are available now - we'll continue to release more courses each month so that the entire curriculum will be available 1-31-22 to licensees of our Business Skills offering.
- Courses will be released in English only as this certification is US-based
- This offering rounds out the Skillsoft suite of certification readiness training for HRCI® credentials - we already offer a PHR® curriculum
- Learn more in our newest blog here:
lsoft-labs/2021/10/the-growing -demand-for-certified-senior-h uman-resources-professionals
Attached, please find:
1. A list of the 25 titles in our new SPHR curriculum - most titles are available now in the Business Skills library - we'll continue to release the balance of the titles throughout December and January.
2. Two Percipio banners you can use to promote the SPHR curriculum to your Percipio learners.-------------------------------------------
Original Message:
Sent: 10-28-2021 16:09
From: Nancy Santacesaria
Subject: New SPHR® Curriculum - Title List and Percipio Banners!Skillsoft is pleased to announce a new 25-course SPHR® curriculum intended to educate learners about the skills required to become a Senior Professional in Human Resources®, as they prepare for the HRCI® SPHR® certification exam.
- Many courses are available now - we'll continue to release more courses each month so that the entire curriculum will be available 1-31-22 to licensees of our Business Skills offering.
- Courses will be released in English only as this certification is US-based
- This offering rounds out the Skillsoft suite of certification readiness training for HRCI® credentials - we already offer a PHR® curriculum
- Learn more in our newest blog here:
lsoft-labs/2021/10/the-growing -demand-for-certified-senior-h uman-resources-professionals