Marketing and Engagement Tools


I am a Consultant on the L&D team at the American Red Cross, NHQ.  I wanted to share some of the recent marketing and engagement tools we developed in-house.


First, we just enabled managerial administrative privileges within the organization to enable managers to assign and report on professional development content regarding their direct reports.  To drum up excitement, we created this video that we have been releasing via organization wide email blasts, messaging, intranet posting etc. 


Next we released the attached two Percipio Scavenger Hunts targeted to the individual contributor and the manager to help end users strengthen their skills and drive individual consumption up.  We used Microsoft Forms to collect the responses to the Scavenger Hunt. We also have 2-4 job aids that we encourage staff to read prior to starting the scavenger hunt, and we packaged all documents into an Onboarding Journey housed in a How to Use Percipio Area and we are encouraging managers to assign to the Onboarding journey to their new staff.  Again, we are trying to drive engagement up and teach our staff how to fish in the ocean of Percipio, rather than just always feeding them a learning program, aka a fish. 


I hope someone finds this inspiring for their programs too. 



Dany Hollingsworth

eLearning Professional Development Program Manager

Consultant Learning & Development









  • Sue Orchanian
    edited October 2021
    @Dany Hollingsworth  The work you have shared is fabulous!  I absolutely love the video.  It truly hits the mark.  I am a big proponent of scavenger hunts and yours are terrific as well.   Are you able to post the survey that you sent?

    Have you ever thought of putting together a crossword puzzle to find certain items of importance in Percipio?  You could hyperlink the questions to the Knowledgebase to give hints to learner to try and find the correct answers. 

    You might want to try your hand at writing a blog post on the Learning Edge, talking about the success you are getting from your marketing efforts.  Keep up the good work!

    Good morning, I don't see a way to post from within the community, but I had a link in my Percipio Community email this AM that said 'post a message', and it opened this email.

    I would like to share the following:



    I am a Consultant on the L&D team at the American Red Cross, NHQ.  I wanted to share some of the recent marketing and engagement tools we developed in-house.


    First, we just enabled managerial administrative privileges within the organization to enable managers to assign and report on professional development content regarding their direct reports.  To drum up excitement, we created this video that we have been releasing via organization wide email blasts, messaging, intranet posting etc. 


    Next we released the attached two Percipio Scavenger Hunts targeted to the individual contributor and the manager to help end users strengthen their skills and drive individual consumption up.  We also have 2-4 job aids that we encourage staff to read prior to starting the scavenger hunt, and we packaged all documents into an Onboarding Journey housed in a How to Use Percipio Area and we are encouraging managers to assign to the Onboarding journey to their new staff.  Again, we are trying to drive engagement up and teach our staff how to fish in the ocean of Percipio, rather than just always feeding them a learning program, aka a fish. 


    I hope someone finds this inspiring for their programs too. 



    Dany Hollingsworth

    eLearning Professional Development Program Manager

    Consultant Learning & Development









  • Dany Hollingsworth
    Dany Hollingsworth
    Third Anniversary
    edited October 2021

    @Dany Hollingsworth  The work you have shared is fabulous!  I absolutely love the video.  It truly hits the mark.  I am a big proponent of scavenger hunts and yours are terrific as well.   Are you able to post the survey that you sent?

    Have you ever thought of putting together a crossword puzzle to find certain items of importance in Percipio?  You could hyperlink the questions to the Knowledgebase to give hints to learner to try and find the correct answers. 

    You might want to try your hand at writing a blog post on the Learning Edge, talking about the success you are getting from your marketing efforts.  Keep up the good work!

    Good morning, I don't see a way to post from within the community, but I had a link in my Percipio Community email this AM that said 'post a message', and it opened this email.

    I would like to share the following:



    I am a Consultant on the L&D team at the American Red Cross, NHQ.  I wanted to share some of the recent marketing and engagement tools we developed in-house.


    First, we just enabled managerial administrative privileges within the organization to enable managers to assign and report on professional development content regarding their direct reports.  To drum up excitement, we created this video that we have been releasing via organization wide email blasts, messaging, intranet posting etc. 


    Next we released the attached two Percipio Scavenger Hunts targeted to the individual contributor and the manager to help end users strengthen their skills and drive individual consumption up.  We also have 2-4 job aids that we encourage staff to read prior to starting the scavenger hunt, and we packaged all documents into an Onboarding Journey housed in a How to Use Percipio Area and we are encouraging managers to assign to the Onboarding journey to their new staff.  Again, we are trying to drive engagement up and teach our staff how to fish in the ocean of Percipio, rather than just always feeding them a learning program, aka a fish. 


    I hope someone finds this inspiring for their programs too. 



    Dany Hollingsworth

    eLearning Professional Development Program Manager

    Consultant Learning & Development









    I love the idea of a cross word puzzle that hyperlinks to the knowledge base.  I am putting this on my to-do list for after the new year.  I hadn't thought about writing a blog post. I may talk with  my account rep about that too.  Thank you for your the great ideas.  It so helps to collaborate and share ideas with others, which is why I wanted to share too.-------------------------------------------
    Original Message:
    Sent: 10-20-2021 11:32
    From: Sue Orchanian
    Subject: Scavenger Hunts to engage learners

    @Dany Hollingsworth  The work you have shared is fabulous!  I absolutely love the video.  It truly hits the mark.  I am a big proponent of scavenger hunts and yours are terrific as well.   Are you able to post the survey that you sent?

    Have you ever thought of putting together a crossword puzzle to find certain items of importance in Percipio?  You could hyperlink the questions to the Knowledgebase to give hints to learner to try and find the correct answers. 

    You might want to try your hand at writing a blog post on the Learning Edge, talking about the success you are getting from your marketing efforts.  Keep up the good work!


    I am a Consultant on the L&D team at the American Red Cross, NHQ.  I wanted to share some of the recent marketing and engagement tools we developed in-house.


    First, we just enabled managerial administrative privileges within the organization to enable managers to assign and report on professional development content regarding their direct reports.  To drum up excitement, we created this video that we have been releasing via organization wide email blasts, messaging, intranet posting etc. 


    Next we released the attached two Percipio Scavenger Hunts targeted to the individual contributor and the manager to help end users strengthen their skills and drive individual consumption up.  We also have 2-4 job aids that we encourage staff to read prior to starting the scavenger hunt, and we packaged all documents into an Onboarding Journey housed in a How to Use Percipio Area and we are encouraging managers to assign to the Onboarding journey to their new staff.  Again, we are trying to drive engagement up and teach our staff how to fish in the ocean of Percipio, rather than just always feeding them a learning program, aka a fish. 


    I hope someone finds this inspiring for their programs too. 



    Dany Hollingsworth

    eLearning Professional Development Program Manager

    Consultant Learning & Development








  • Unknown
    edited October 2021
    Hi @Dany Hollingsworth,

    Thank you so much for sharing these awesome resources. Love the teaser video!  The scavenger hunts are very thoughtful and intentional;  you're really setting up your managers and end-users for success! 

    Curious, what surveying tool did you use for the survey? 

    Thanks again for sharing and I look forward to any future blog post you may create to share with us the impact these awesome resources have made on your program. 
    Original Message:
    Sent: 10-20-2021 09:40
    From: Dany Hollingsworth
    Subject: Marketing and Engagement Tools

    Good morning, I don't see a way to post from within the community, but I had a link in my Percipio Community email this AM that said 'post a message', and it opened this email.

    I would like to share the following:



    I am a Consultant on the L&D team at the American Red Cross, NHQ.  I wanted to share some of the recent marketing and engagement tools we developed in-house.


    First, we just enabled managerial administrative privileges within the organization to enable managers to assign and report on professional development content regarding their direct reports.  To drum up excitement, we created this video that we have been releasing via organization wide email blasts, messaging, intranet posting etc. 


    Next we released the attached two Percipio Scavenger Hunts targeted to the individual contributor and the manager to help end users strengthen their skills and drive individual consumption up.  We also have 2-4 job aids that we encourage staff to read prior to starting the scavenger hunt, and we packaged all documents into an Onboarding Journey housed in a How to Use Percipio Area and we are encouraging managers to assign to the Onboarding journey to their new staff.  Again, we are trying to drive engagement up and teach our staff how to fish in the ocean of Percipio, rather than just always feeding them a learning program, aka a fish. 


    I hope someone finds this inspiring for their programs too. 



    Dany Hollingsworth

    eLearning Professional Development Program Manager

    Consultant Learning & Development









  • Dany Hollingsworth
    Dany Hollingsworth
    Third Anniversary
    edited October 2021

    Hi @Dany Hollingsworth,

    Thank you so much for sharing these awesome resources. Love the teaser video!  The scavenger hunts are very thoughtful and intentional;  you're really setting up your managers and end-users for success! 

    Curious, what surveying tool did you use for the survey? 

    Thanks again for sharing and I look forward to any future blog post you may create to share with us the impact these awesome resources have made on your program. 
    Original Message:
    Sent: 10-20-2021 09:40
    From: Dany Hollingsworth
    Subject: Marketing and Engagement Tools

    Good morning, I don't see a way to post from within the community, but I had a link in my Percipio Community email this AM that said 'post a message', and it opened this email.

    I would like to share the following:



    I am a Consultant on the L&D team at the American Red Cross, NHQ.  I wanted to share some of the recent marketing and engagement tools we developed in-house.


    First, we just enabled managerial administrative privileges within the organization to enable managers to assign and report on professional development content regarding their direct reports.  To drum up excitement, we created this video that we have been releasing via organization wide email blasts, messaging, intranet posting etc. 


    Next we released the attached two Percipio Scavenger Hunts targeted to the individual contributor and the manager to help end users strengthen their skills and drive individual consumption up.  We also have 2-4 job aids that we encourage staff to read prior to starting the scavenger hunt, and we packaged all documents into an Onboarding Journey housed in a How to Use Percipio Area and we are encouraging managers to assign to the Onboarding journey to their new staff.  Again, we are trying to drive engagement up and teach our staff how to fish in the ocean of Percipio, rather than just always feeding them a learning program, aka a fish. 


    I hope someone finds this inspiring for their programs too. 



    Dany Hollingsworth

    eLearning Professional Development Program Manager

    Consultant Learning & Development









    Hi thanks so much.  We used Microsoft Forms to collect responses.  We don't grade the responses of course, but we do review them.  We have received a few pieces of key information from the open ended comment question.-------------------------------------------
    Original Message:
    Sent: 10-20-2021 13:21
    From: Emily Borchmann
    Subject: Scavenger Hunts to engage learners

    Hi @Dany Hollingsworth,

    Thank you so much for sharing these awesome resources. Love the teaser video!  The scavenger hunts are very thoughtful and intentional;  you're really setting up your managers and end-users for success! 

    Curious, what surveying tool did you use for the survey? 

    Thanks again for sharing and I look forward to any future blog post you may create to share with us the impact these awesome resources have made on your program. 

    Original Message:
    Sent: 10-20-2021 09:40
    From: Dany Hollingsworth
    Subject: Scavenger Hunts to engage learners


    I am a Consultant on the L&D team at the American Red Cross, NHQ.  I wanted to share some of the recent marketing and engagement tools we developed in-house.


    First, we just enabled managerial administrative privileges within the organization to enable managers to assign and report on professional development content regarding their direct reports.  To drum up excitement, we created this video that we have been releasing via organization wide email blasts, messaging, intranet posting etc. 


    Next we released the attached two Percipio Scavenger Hunts targeted to the individual contributor and the manager to help end users strengthen their skills and drive individual consumption up.  We also have 2-4 job aids that we encourage staff to read prior to starting the scavenger hunt, and we packaged all documents into an Onboarding Journey housed in a How to Use Percipio Area and we are encouraging managers to assign to the Onboarding journey to their new staff.  Again, we are trying to drive engagement up and teach our staff how to fish in the ocean of Percipio, rather than just always feeding them a learning program, aka a fish. 


    I hope someone finds this inspiring for their programs too. 



    Dany Hollingsworth

    eLearning Professional Development Program Manager

    Consultant Learning & Development








  • Kiersten Yocum
    Kiersten Yocum
    100 Comments 5 Likes
    edited October 2021
    Hi @Dany Hollingsworth.  Thanks for the awesome post and sharing!
    To post directly in the Community, click the Discussions tab, then find the Post New Message button at the top right of the Discussions list. It's hot pink, so should be fairly easy to see. Thanks!
    Original Message:
    Sent: 10-20-2021 09:40
    From: Dany Hollingsworth
    Subject: Marketing and Engagement Tools

    Good morning, I don't see a way to post from within the community, but I had a link in my Percipio Community email this AM that said 'post a message', and it opened this email.

    I would like to share the following:



    I am a Consultant on the L&D team at the American Red Cross, NHQ.  I wanted to share some of the recent marketing and engagement tools we developed in-house.


    First, we just enabled managerial administrative privileges within the organization to enable managers to assign and report on professional development content regarding their direct reports.  To drum up excitement, we created this video that we have been releasing via organization wide email blasts, messaging, intranet posting etc. 


    Next we released the attached two Percipio Scavenger Hunts targeted to the individual contributor and the manager to help end users strengthen their skills and drive individual consumption up.  We also have 2-4 job aids that we encourage staff to read prior to starting the scavenger hunt, and we packaged all documents into an Onboarding Journey housed in a How to Use Percipio Area and we are encouraging managers to assign to the Onboarding journey to their new staff.  Again, we are trying to drive engagement up and teach our staff how to fish in the ocean of Percipio, rather than just always feeding them a learning program, aka a fish. 


    I hope someone finds this inspiring for their programs too. 



    Dany Hollingsworth

    eLearning Professional Development Program Manager

    Consultant Learning & Development









  • Dany Hollingsworth
    Dany Hollingsworth
    Third Anniversary
    edited October 2021

    Hi @Dany Hollingsworth.  Thanks for the awesome post and sharing!
    To post directly in the Community, click the Discussions tab, then find the Post New Message button at the top right of the Discussions list. It's hot pink, so should be fairly easy to see. Thanks!
    Original Message:
    Sent: 10-20-2021 09:40
    From: Dany Hollingsworth
    Subject: Marketing and Engagement Tools

    Good morning, I don't see a way to post from within the community, but I had a link in my Percipio Community email this AM that said 'post a message', and it opened this email.

    I would like to share the following:



    I am a Consultant on the L&D team at the American Red Cross, NHQ.  I wanted to share some of the recent marketing and engagement tools we developed in-house.


    First, we just enabled managerial administrative privileges within the organization to enable managers to assign and report on professional development content regarding their direct reports.  To drum up excitement, we created this video that we have been releasing via organization wide email blasts, messaging, intranet posting etc. 


    Next we released the attached two Percipio Scavenger Hunts targeted to the individual contributor and the manager to help end users strengthen their skills and drive individual consumption up.  We also have 2-4 job aids that we encourage staff to read prior to starting the scavenger hunt, and we packaged all documents into an Onboarding Journey housed in a How to Use Percipio Area and we are encouraging managers to assign to the Onboarding journey to their new staff.  Again, we are trying to drive engagement up and teach our staff how to fish in the ocean of Percipio, rather than just always feeding them a learning program, aka a fish. 


    I hope someone finds this inspiring for their programs too. 



    Dany Hollingsworth

    eLearning Professional Development Program Manager

    Consultant Learning & Development









    That is very helpful.  Thank you.  I guess I am kind of a goose for not figuring that out.  Thank you for your help!




    Dany Hollingsworth

    eLearning Professional Development Program Manager

    Consultant Learning & Development










    I am a Consultant on the L&D team at the American Red Cross, NHQ.  I wanted to share some of the recent marketing and engagement tools we developed in-house.


    First, we just enabled managerial administrative privileges within the organization to enable managers to assign and report on professional development content regarding their direct reports.  To drum up excitement, we created this video that we have been releasing via organization wide email blasts, messaging, intranet posting etc. 


    Next we released the attached two Percipio Scavenger Hunts targeted to the individual contributor and the manager to help end users strengthen their skills and drive individual consumption up.  We also have 2-4 job aids that we encourage staff to read prior to starting the scavenger hunt, and we packaged all documents into an Onboarding Journey housed in a How to Use Percipio Area and we are encouraging managers to assign to the Onboarding journey to their new staff.  Again, we are trying to drive engagement up and teach our staff how to fish in the ocean of Percipio, rather than just always feeding them a learning program, aka a fish. 


    I hope someone finds this inspiring for their programs too. 



    Dany Hollingsworth

    eLearning Professional Development Program Manager

    Consultant Learning & Development








  • Sue Orchanian
    edited October 2021
    @Dany Hollingsworth  Since your blog post is so wonderful, I thought you might want to change the title from Post New Message to something more meaningful.  The way to do that is to click on the dropdown next to Reply and select Edit.  I also thought I'd point you to a blog post I wrote today that you might be interested in: