Customer Success Summary: National Mentoring Month: Celebrating the power of supportive mentor relationships Goal Setting Month: Reflecting on the importance of goals to achieve happiness and fulfillment AI Fundamentals Month: Promoting basic principles of AI becoming prevalent in working spaces Upcoming Leadercamps &…
Certifications drive a lot of activity for our customers. They represent a concrete path for learners to add value to both their personal skillset but also your business. Where possible, these templates include curated practice labs, test preps, and live learning to give learners the maximum number of ways to learn and be…
Browse all monthly featured marketing templates Promoting your learning program is essential toward building credibility, raising awareness, and impacting your learning outcomes or goals and Skillsoft is committed to helping you with monthly themed templates. These templates are ALL available NOW and always include curated…
This report is updated regularly as book titles are retired from the Skillsoft collection. This most recent file includes retired book titles dating from 2022 to present:
Skillsoft CAISY, the Conversational AI Simulator, makes difficult work conversations easier by providing employees with a safe space to practice important business conversations and receive real-time, personalized feedback. You can select from a range of real-world business scenarios, like providing constructive feedback…
PROPEL GROWTH TOGETHER COACHING IS THE ENGINE OF BEHAVIOR CHANGE Skillsoft uniquely partners across all areas of workforce transformation, working with you to assess and benchmark your employees, provide learning, application and a safe space to practice that ensures that your initiatives are easy to administer and…
Many companies consider compliance to be a costly annoyance that, at best, keeps them off the radar of regulators and, at worst, negatively impacts the bottom line. Does your organization share this perspective? This "check the box" approach is something of a self-fulfilling prophecy. The less effort you put into…
Customer Success Summary: 1. Universal Human Rights Month: In honor of Universal Human Rights Month, we encourage everyone to reflect on the principles that unite us as global citizens. Our commitment to fostering diversity, equity, and inclusion remains unwavering. We have curated a collection of resources to deepen your…
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