Assignments - Final status
Hello, after issuing a few assignments to my learners, I think there could be an improvement to the status' for assignments. Currently, under the assignments menu, they will show as "In Progress"; or you can choose to "Cancel for all", or choose to "Archive" them. It would be nice if there was an additional status added…
Journey Reporting - Completions by Track
Hello - We would like to be able to track completions by track in custom journeys. This would be a great reporting enhancement for us. Currently, we have to figure out track completions manually outside of Percipio reporting using Excel or Power BI.
Approval workflow for Self Registration Tool
Need approval workflow added as a step before users are given access via Self Registration Tool.
Ability to re-complete or reset a course
There are request by customers for Percipio to have the ability to reset or restart courses that user have already completed so that the user can complete the course again to get a new completion. This is for non-compliance courses where customer requires users to take periodically to refresh themselves on the content.
Supply Chain Management Content
Supply Chain Management has become an increasingly important topic of discussion. Although some Supply Chain Management content exists in Skillsoft Expert 2.0 (Books, Courses) in Percipio, more Supply Chain Management Content would be helpful, specifically in the following competencies: -Supplier Selection -Supplier…
Submitted By Filter
It would be helpful if this page where we log ideas had a filter for submitted by so that we could easily find the ideas we submitted and check for updates.
Auto-sorting function when adding content to Channels
It would be very nice if there was an option when adding content to channels to either: a) Manually sort content; OR b) Content is automatically put into alphabetical order We have some channels with a lot of content, and it takes forever to move titles up in the channel. Having these options would make this action more…
Add Quiz Question Response Detail Report to Percipio Core Analytics
We'd like a new report added to the Analytics section that captures question response detail results from custom quizzes published into Percipio Core as SCORM 2004 (4th edition) content items. The current Learner Activity Report only captures scores and attempts, but many of our stakeholders would like to see how learners…
Provide SFTPs for Assignments Reports, Journey Reports & Scheduled Content
Please add the ability to export the following Percipio Core reports to SFTP so we can automatically pull this data daily into PowerBi: * Assignment Summary By User * Assignment Detail by User * Journey Summary By User * Journey Detail by User * Learner Activity Report (filtered to Scheduled Content)
Enable badges for custom content
Enable badges for custom content created/uploaded by admins.