Adding Labs to the Showcase
It would be extremely helpful to have labs (challenges, sandbox, practice, etc.) added to the showcase section of the library for easy access. Thank you!
Live Training Event Widget Suggestions
Hello; I have a couple of suggestions regarding the Live Event Widget in Percipio: 1) As is, I feel as though the widget gets a bot lost on the page. I would suggest moving it up the page and allowing for it to be customizable. Organization specific graphics etc. would draw learner's attention to it. 2) It would be great…
Percipio Mobile App / Percipio Admin options
I would love to see more configuration options that enable better control for what appears on the Percipio website and the mobile app when it comes to banner promotions.* I want certain promotion banners to only appear on website - banners that promote the mobile app and browser extension. These banners should not show on…
Making Flashcards Available Prior to Course Completion
Instead of only opening up flashcard access to users who have successfully completed a course, hoping it could be considered that flashcards could be available to all users, regardless of their completion status. This would allow our users to utilize the flashcard resources at the same time that they are moving through…
Time Zone Display in Live Courses
My customer has asked if we could suggest having the time shown in the user specific timezone when they are scrolling through classes.
Percipio Content Yearly Completion
One of my customers is looking to have the core side of Percipio to have the ability to re-complete Skilsoft COntent similar to our compliance portal. This will allow his learners to re certify themselves within an assignment every year which is currently not available. Please feel free to read through the attached email…
Course Feedback
Allow course feedback feature for custom content available and can be accessible by the managers / learning admin.
CPA Examination (CPA Exam) is Changing Drastically in 2024
It may be a bit early, but the Uniform CPA Examination (CPA Exam) is changing significantly in January 2024. Will Skillsoft be looking to align its materials accordingly? Any chance there will be a collaboration or partnership with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy? Sources:*…
Automation for adjusting User Roles
It would be helpful for my organization's business partners who have elevated User Roles within Percipio to request additional users permissions within Percipio. For example, my Human Resources team that curates content for their leadership program has the Content Curator role. If they add a new member to their team, they…
Graphics In The Job Aids For Maximum Impact
In the Compliance section of Percipio, there are job aids that appear at the end of each module of the course. These job aids are relatively useless in their current form. If simple graphics could be added to the various sections of the job aids, they would not only become more impactful to the learning experience, but…