Benchmark Answer Colors
The colors used for bench mark question grading are confusing. Take multi-answers as the example (screenshot attached). A correct non-selection is red. An incorrect selection is also red. A correct answer/selection is green. An incorrect non-selection is also green. This results in the user having to read each answer…
Reduce Skill Benchmarks Retake down from 14 days
There are several use cases pre and post for ILT or journeys where the customer would like to reduce the retake minimum.
Connecting Skill Benchmarks to the Skilling Strategy
Some of our strategic teams are hitting a roadblock with Skill Benchmarks when trying to implement a Skilling Strategy. The report is too general- it doesn't drill down enough to inform next steps when they have trainers ready to roll out robust programs inclusive of ILTs, collaborative activities, and self-development.…
Reports that will return the names of specific users by their interests
Offer a report that would provide user names for each Skill Interest area. I find a Skills Discovery Dashboard that provides a number of users for Skills but not the user names.
Role Advisor - Enhancements
Role advisor is a good feature to have and may be considered a learning path for some learners. It would be really great to consider the following enhancements that are more meaningful for the learners: On the Aspirational Role page or other page as appropriate, show a summary of skill gaps that between the current role…