Notifications - Mark as Read
It would be great to have the option of 'Mark as read' and/or 'Mark all as read' for the notifications (user & admin). This would create efficiency where the notification can be ignored / has been already actioned.
More advanced searching options
We have had a user submit an idea for a new feature for more advanced searching options. It would be a button that offers a search field like the tool "UltraFileSearch". In that tool you can search for multiple words (non continuous words) in a description. This gives the person searching a much better chance of a hit. The…
Test filter for search results
Hello, I'd like to suggest adding a filter on search results for a test. This would allow a learner to filter search results based on if there is a test or not - this will expedite learners being able to locate courses with tests. Or, include test information within the search result overview for the specific course.…
Personalization of My Achievements Dashboard View For Learners
Can we have a dashboard view on the home page where when users log in it should be visible on the home page It can be downloaded by users in an Excell sheet and even same can be done by Managers for their team This will help users to understand where they stand in terms of current learning ( I want this to be to be visible…
Simplify the "My Learning" page
Simplify the "My Learning" page and make it each person's landing page. It currently operates like a "My Profile" page which is very confusing. "My Learning" should include the following in this order: "My Assignments" - if there are assignments make this visible, if not the first should be "continue learning" "Continue…
Information prompt in Self Registration
Hi team, A telecommunications customer recently enabled Self Registration in Percipio and they are requesting the ability to put in a custom message or info/how-to icon to prompt users how to complete the registration form. They are aiming to get as much detail as possible from the users and ensure consistency of data as…
Certification Center - PMI Subject area
It is difficult to tell the difference between each Bootcamp title without clicking into each one. Because the titles are so long and "5-day or 8-day" cohort is only at the END of the title, this part is hidden from learners making it difficult to navigate: 2. The new Journeys are AMAZING! but slightly hidden since the…
Custom Course Descriptions and Technology Titles Text Wrapping
Hello, Our client Lexmark has over 3100 custom courses shared between their LexLearn.Percipio.com instance and their LexmarkU.Percipio.com instance. A few hundred of those courses use the 'Technology Title' field and course descriptions to their max characters. Since the UI changes in Percipio, we are getting tickets that…
My Learning Assignment View
Could we please add some filter options for the My Learning Assignment View so learners can quickly return to the latest assignment completed?
Force Custom Policy consent
Hi. My client stakeholder would like the customer policy to require acknowledgement of consent (i.e. to tick a consent form) monthly. Currently the custom policy requires new consent only if the user logs out and back in or if they refresh cookies. The client is particularly keen to have this functionality for Germany due…