Simplify - Live Event, Live Course, Bootcamp, Leadercamp
Please simplify your live events by consolidating the different types. Leaners don't care about and don't need to know the difference between a bootcamp, leadercamp, live course and live event. 5 seconds into my Skillsoft rep explaining the difference I've already determined this is too complicated and unnecessary. If I…
Skill Benchmark - show item completions on the skill benchmark recommendation list
I would love to be able to see a completion status directly on the Skill benchmark recommendation list. Sometimes I don't complete the recommendations in order and I end up launching content multiple times. It just takes extra time to figure out what I've already done. Thanks for the consideration!
Role Advisor on Home page
Hello - can we please have role advisor available in a more obvious spot on rather than learners having to click on 'role' and then 'show me how'? I have a number of customers working on a Job Architecture and will be uploading their 'new' Job Roles. The feedback is that the pathway to the personalised skills page isn't…
Excel course titles need capitalization
Multiple course titles for Excel need a copy editor because they have words that should be capitalized. (Not a big deal, you think? Our staff includes many writers and copy editors. If they see things like this, you lose credibility.) Ones I've noticed - corrections here: o Getting Started in Excel o Adding and Arranging…
Prioritize 'Assess' modality in a channel
Hello, currently 'Access' modality in a channel is arranged at the end, please move Access to the front so learners see it first. In case they don't know about the available Skill Benchmark, they can start on it when getting to the channel. Thanks!
Place to track CPE Continuing Professional Education credits?
I was told there is not currently a place to track CPE credits in Percipio. A few ideas here: This could be added as a field in Activity > External Learning Activity and in the External Learning Bulk Upload. It would also be helpful to have a report that could track CPEs earned - earned both in Percipio as well as recorded…
Positive Recognition within the Leaderboard functionality
In the Leaderboard, consider making each person's name a hyperlink to send them a positive in-app email congratulating them on their achievement in the Leaderboard. This could be a text-based message or an image-based message that could be selected from a pre-curated list of 5-8 choices. This could be a quick peer-to-peer…
Leaderboard showing top 10 Users only
HI team, is it possible to configure the Leaderboard so that for All Users it is showing Top 10 only rather than whole company. No one wants to be at the bottom of a very long list of names. Thanks
Filtering the status of assignment in the activity panel
The user would like to filter the assignments by their status in the Activity panel (Completed/In Progress/Not started/Overdue and so on). She stated that there are just so many trainings and the user interface is just not user-friendly. She would like to suggest this for a development.
Assignment: Show Completion "circle" (similar to Journeys)
Our clients are suggesting we add the "Completion Circle & percentage" for each assignment to the Learner's UI when they open up the "Assignment" page. This is so that there is greater insight for the learner as to their progress in assignments. Instead of simply which courses in the assignment are completed.