Move ONLY completed courses to Completed Satus
Today we put criteria for completions on learning. Primarily - passing a quiz and signing. These are mandatory for completion. SumTotal moves them to completed even if they are NOT signed. SumTotal moves them to completed even if they FAIL the test. So, an auditor sees these as completed when reviewing our business, but…
OTR Completion
When a Learner is assigned a learning program in Compliance, it can contain both SCORM online "WBT" content, and it can contain external "OTR" type learning (we use this category for instructor-led, training on-the-job). When the Learner views their learning program in Compliance, they see the online content is actionable…
Compliance Report to show activities in local time
Hi team, A customer is asking if we can have the ability to change the timezone in Compliance Reports to reflect local time (in this case AEST) so when they run and share reports, it's showing when learners actually completed the activity in the local time. Thanks.
Provide addtl Detail in Audit Change Report
Please include additional column(s) for context to the Audit Change Report. The current view offers little to no actionable data. Per the attached screenshot, the Audit reveals a change but of what? Perhaps include the Old and New Values?
Audience attributes too easily deleted
There is a very undesirable issue we have discovered when using the "Add user attribute roles" feature when modifying an audience, which has caused considerable problems when keeping users assigned to an Audience without inadvertently being removed from them without warning. When on Users > Audience management > Add user…
Add bulk user import functionality for Completions/Waivers in Skillsoft Percipio
Currently, you can grant waivers/completions for "one content item for up to 1000 users," but to do so, you have to manually search for and add each user. I have at least 20K+ waivers/completions still to grant from training completions that were imported from Skillport for courses that are part of Journeys in Percipio,…
Add CSE Attachment to Scheduled Report Emails
I love that you've added the ability to schedule reports, but the current format isn't helpful because it's a link, and I can't easily use it for Power Automate flows. If I had an attachment, I could use a Power Automate flow to pull the information into a tracker or dashboard.
Add checkbox functionality to select/de-select users in audiences when assigning content
Currently, we can only assign Learning Plan assignments to one individual user or an entire audience. Add the ability to select/de-select multiple names/users from an audience for assignment purposes, rather than one or all. This would also resolve some of our sub-audience/delimiter issues on the compliance platform.
SCORM Question Level Data Report
Currently when an equivalency is granted for a SCORM custom compliance course in Percipio Compliance, the reporting data for the course is being masked by the equivalency and the admin pulling the SCORM Question Level Data Report cannot see any response data. We were told that the system was not designed to hold a…
Percipio Compliance Dashboard Enhancements
Current dashboard for Percipio Compliance that have integrated to SuccessFactors provide reports in web/CSV format. Could we have excel reports on usage tracking since data is captured by both Percipio and SF