Show Unavailable sessions Option - Site wide setting
Customer would like to have a site wide setting to switch OFF/ON the show unavailable sessions for Live Courses - see attached email with screenshot We want people to see all class options and register on waiting lists should the classes be full so we have an understanding whether additional cohorts are needed. Currently…
Filtering of Live Courses
I'm not sure why the filtering of live courses has changed on the admin side, but when I want to ONLY see my upcoming (or timeframe based) courses/classes, I still have to scroll through my ENTIRE list of courses just to see the upcoming classes. To better explain, when I am looking at my live course list and I choose the…
Learning Admin should have visibility of Live Course Approvals for allocated Audiences
When viewing the ILT content page Learning Admin should have visibility of the awaiting Manager Approvals and the ability to action.
Journey Title - Allow for placing title on two lines
Perhaps this feature already exists. I would like to be able to place the title of a Journey on two lines, and determine what goes on each line. Example: Leadership 365 for Aspiring Leaders
Content ID Column
A customer of mine can not use the UUID column for their reporting. Instead, they have requested that the Content ID column report on all content types, not just courses.
Sort Audience - All at Once
Currently, admins scroll to every page to click the "Content Association" sorting at the top, in order to find the numbers of content associated with each audience. We'll need to go to every single page. It will be ideal if the sorting becomes "universal", meaning, to display audiences with the top numbers of channels…
Report abd Dashboard for Certification Tracking
Customer has asked if we could have the option to track content specifically sitting in certification.
Categories which Skillsoft courses/videos are DEI
Hello, My Learning and Development team often gets requests to see how many DEI courses are employees are taking. Some courses are very obvious based on their titles. But others aren't so obvious. I think there should be a way to see which courses fall under the DEI umbrella when we are pull reports.
Report on AI Coach content recommendation
It would be good if we can report on content suggested by the Casey AI Coach when the user complete it and the tool suggests any recommended content
Report on Content Access after preforming a Skill Benchmark
It would be good if we can have report on where we can check if the user accesses any of the recommended content after he/she performs a Skill Benchmark