Hello, Can reports be improved? Ability to search by email. Ability to search by a custom attribute Can reports on programs show who did what and is still needing to complete by course and learner? Thank you.
Adding tags to custom content
Hello, Can the ability to add tags to custom content and ILTs based on competencies and descriptors (beyond beginner, intermediate, and advanced) be added? Thank you.
Reduce Minimum Time for Skill Benchmark completion
currently the minimum time is 14 days, we would like to reduce that time to 7 days for those users completing learning journeys
Channel Source Adjustment
Possibility of editing (delete, rename) the channel source categories.
Integration with 3rd party survey tools
To be able to report on the results of 3rd party survey tools within Percipio.
Content report for video level assets
A customer in the financial industry is requesting to have video level asset/content reporting to support their curation initiatives focusing on micro assets. Is this something we can support? Thank you.
Request to issue completion certificate for custom linked content
Formalising the above request raised by customer, refer to this initial request https://skillsoft.lightning.force.com/lightning/r/0D54Q0000A8THwpSQG/view. Customer is in the medical industry and are heavily curating continuing professional development (CPD) resources in Percipio. The workaround of packaging up content and…
Content Retirement
On Behalf our customer: We REALLY wish that you would instead retire any additional courses with a due reminder of more than 90 days. It would save your customers so much pain. I’m sure that we aren’t the only customer that manages our learning structures by putting the report of changes of content after every 60 days
Allow for customization of Journey section titles
As of the Sep 19 release, the Journey section with all the tracks is now titled, "Syllabus". Please allow for an Admin to customize this as the term Syllabus may have specific meaning within an organization and cause confusion for learners.
Ability to customize/update course code for custom journey
Today, we integrate all of our SKS content into our SumTotal ecosystems. This allows folks to have ONE portal to access all compliance and development training. We are exploring the custom journey builds for our Leadership training (Recurrent Leadership Development) and would like the ability to change/customize the course…