New Book request
Are we able to add the following Book to Percipio. The key note speaker is presenting at the EMEA Perspectives event and has recently published a book on the future of AI that isn’t on Percipio, it would be great if post the event they could add access this via Percipio to build on the key note speech 😊…
Please have humans narrate the audiobooks
Yes, the software for reading has gotten better, but you can still tell the difference. And especially when it's a challenging interpersonal topic, it's weird to have a robotic voice talk to you about it. Today's example was the audio summary of High Conflict: Why We Get Trapped and How We Get Out.
The wisdom of the bullfrog: Leadership Made Simple
This book identifies leadership qualities that separate the good from the truly great. It provides simple lessons for anyone in a leadership position.
Create a Channel with all HBR material you have on Percipio
hi I could not find a channel with all the HBR material you have on Percipio. Can you make one, so it will get automatically updated, when new things are added. We will like to recommend all the material HBR are providing on percipio for inpsiration for our employees.
Search function in "off the shelf" book club content
I have a specific topic important for our company where I've chosen Skillsoft content. I'm curious if there's an existing guide with questions. I checked , but as there's no search functionality, it was hard to look. Not sure if there is a search and this was user error? If so, please let me know.
"captions" on audiobooks, as YouTube does it
I'm writing you to suggest one thing for "Audiobooks" on Percipio. Could we have the possibility for "captions" on audiobooks, as YouTube does it? That will help people who speak English with intermediate level to better understand and get the information more clearly.
Please keep short less on on "RAPID" decision making
Our organization is working on implementing RAPID decision-making. This is outlined well in the short video, Need Role Clarity in Decision Making? Use the RAPID Tool. The course which it's part of (Expert Insights on Decision Making) is designated as retiring. Please keep this one lesson, or provide a new one. It's a…
Power BI Bootcamps
Beginners session monthly
Add chapters into long recordings posted in Percipio
Hi - The long recordings of Leadercamps and recorded live events are nice to have, but because they are often so long, it can be difficult to listen to the entire recording. In the video editing software, there is probably an option to add "chapters" at key time stamps on the video's timeline. Adding these would allow…
SLDP Course Confusion
I keep running into an issue where I assign an employee a set of courses, and in the middle of completing the courses they receive an error message saying they do not have the proper license to access the course. There is no way for me to tell which courses require a leadership license vs those that don't. I know I can…